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Price List

Hyson Green Youth Club operates a two-tier booking rate structure where concessionary rates are extended to events/users classified as ‘community’ events for the purpose of determining terms of usage and booking fees. ‘Non-Community’ events/users will attract a more market-driven pricing. The Club’s decision on the classification is final.


Community Users: – Are those traditional and new users drawn from community organizations, groups, and individuals who use the Centre for charitable and community-developmental purposes such as fundraising, community meetings, and community training. Small, independent users can also be classified as ‘community users’ if their use is non-profitable and consistent with ‘community aims and values’, with which the Club can identify; they must however provide a guest list.

Non-Community Users: – Are those seeking to use the premises and facilities for purposes other than those clearly recognizable as charitable or community-developmental. Non-Community users will include statutory, private individuals, companies, private businesses, individual entrepreneurs/promoters and bigger charities.