
Proud Herritage

We are a youth club formed in 1939 as part of the ‘old boys club movement’, we are over 80 years old. We own a 2 storey building, the only remaining purpose built youth club in the city. In 1991, we registered as a charity (number 1007675). We are managed by a Board of Trustees in line with the Charity Act 2009. We are a Black led organization which reflects the local area where over 50% of residents are from Black and Minority ethnic (BME) communities. From the 1980s onwards we have supported and developed young people, in particular those of Caribbean background. Since 2014, we welcomed new communities including Eastern Europeans, African refugees and asylum seekers.

Current programme

We have developed into a local community hub and provide spaces to rent for local residents and organisations. We open 7 days a week and local people hold events 50 weekends of the year. We particularly support smaller BME organisations, who work with seldom heard communities, including children and young people eg the Darfur community from Sudan in Africa and the Roma community from Romania

Our work has developed from a focus on young people only to supporting families and communities who face a range of disadvantages

We employ 4 staff, 1 full time and 4 part time. We are supported by fantastic volunteers

We are carrying out consultation with BME communities city wide and local residents to prioritise post Covid-19 needs and develop our organization.